nEDM Experiment documentation
This page provides documentation for software and systems used in the neutron
electric dipole moment (nEDM) experiment located at the Technische Universität
München (FRM-II).
Main pages
System Overview - (Read this first!) Set of pages describing the general functionality of
many of the (non-software) systems used in the nEDM experiment.
nEDM Interface - Page describing the web interface used for control of devices and
visualization of data in the experiment.
pynedm - Python module for communicating with the slow control database
himbeerecouch - Module for using CouchDB with Raspberry Pis
File Server (Docker) - Lightweight fileserver/nginx reverse proxy to be used with nEDM CouchDB servers.
Munin (Docker) - Munin Docker for monitoring all systems
CouchDB (Docker) - Docker for CouchDB installation for nEDM servers
VMEDAQBox - Library for using HardwareLib software via JSON objects, allowing web
Miscellaneous Slow Control software - Repository of daemons and scripts for the slow control system
Other pages
DTACQ - Code for readout of D-TACQ cards