nEDM Interface

nEDM Experiment

nEDM Interface







nEDM User Interface for sub systems, also an interface for slow-control systems

See the API Documentation for more information.

Build instructions

  1. Install kanso (
  2. cd head; kanso install (This only needs to be done at the beginning, and when you update kanso packages.
  3. To push everything to DB, type at the base directory:


This will push to a local coucdhdb server. It will prompt for username/passwords if password protected. This script wraps various kanso commands.

It is possible to save setting in a .nedmrc file, e.g.:

% cat .nedmrc
  local: {
    username : "myusername",
    password : "mypwd",
    server   : "localhost:5984",
    include  : ["digitizers", "hexe_edm"],# Use to include only these
                                          # subsystems (optional, [] means
                                          # include all)
    exclude  : ["cs_laser", "fluxgate"] # Use to exclude particular subsystems
                                        # (optional, [] means exclude none)
  deployed: {
    username : "mydeployedusername",
    password : "mydeployedpwd",
    server   : "deployed_host:5984"
  default : "local"

where the default indicates which will be used normally. Note, that include and exclude can be used to deploy only the subsystems you wish to your particular database. This is useful when you only need a subset of the nEDM-Interface. jshint is an additional dependency:

npm install -g jshint

Notes for developers

For a general overview, see the presentation describing the basic functionality of the system.

Note: The best mechanism for testing your interface is setting up a local server and pushing to it. You will also need to set your configuration to allow "insecure" rewrites. At the configuration site (, make sure that httpd : secure_rewrites is set to false. Once you do this and push to the local server, you will be able to reach the main page at:

Each subsystem in the nEDM interface occupies a single database. In addition, each kanso app produces a single design document on the CouchDB server. Each subsystem (e.g. sub-folders in the subsystem directory) automatically receives the design document from the _default directory. This allows general interface changes or general views to be added to this directory and automatically propagated to the other databases. Users requiring additional modules from kanso, or additional javascript dependencies should add these to the head/ directory.

Setting up to read from DB

Most of the time, you will want to be able to have "real" data on your system, as well as see real-time updates. To do this, you need to set up replication with the database server, but please use the secondary server (, which is accessible with the normal TUM VPN.

  1. Make an aggregate DB if not already on your system (after a nedm/aggregate
  2. Add continuous replication for nedm/aggregate, add the document to the _replicate database:

    "owner" : "your_id",
    "source" : "http://UN:PW@",
    "target" : "nedm/aggregate",
    "continuous" : true,
    "user_ctx" : {
     "name" : "your_id",
     "roles" : [ "_admin"]

    Swap out UN and PW (standard nEDM read-only values)

  3. Add continuous replication for your DB of choice (e.g. nedm/cs_laser), by modifying the above as necessary and submitting a new document. The filter field ensures that only data documents are replicated, which is generally what you want. To get only the results since now, grab the recent update_seq number, e.g.:

    > curl  "http://UN:PW@" 

    and input it into your replication since_seq.

    "owner" : "your_id",
    "source" : "http://UN:PW@",
    "target" : "nedm/cs_laser",
    "continuous" : true,
    "filter" : "nedm_default/doc_type",
    "query_params" : {
     "type" : "data"
    "since_seq" : 4558974,
    "user_ctx" : {
     "name" : "your_id",
     "roles" : [ "_admin"]

Dealing with Commands

Every interface will in principal have controls. To facilitate this, the nEDM interface looks for documents of type "control", e.g.:

    doc = {
        "_id": "name_of_control",         # Required
        "type" : "control",               # Required
        "html" : """...""",               # Optional, gives html that will be
                                          # used to show control

        "script" : """                    # Script that will be run during
  function($theDOM, docobj) {             # loading of the controls on the
    ...                                   # webpage (during the jQuery-Mobile
                                          # event 'pagecreate').  '$theDOM' is
                                          # the DOM object }""" where the
                                          # control is inserted.  'docobj' is
                                          # the JSON document inserted in to
                                          # the DB, allowing customization
                                          # based upon fields in the JSON.

There are several templates that one can derive from by using

doc = {
  "template" : "/nedm_head/switch_template",

This allows users to specify that this is e.g. a switch type. See the various template objects in _default_data/*.json. There is further documentation in that directory.