File Server

nEDM Experiment

File Server



Python backend

The python backend is defined in and requests are passed from nginx via uwsgi.


Cookies and http authorization are forward directly to the CouchDB server. For GET and HEAD requests, the backend checks to see if it can perform the command on the associated document and returns the appropriate error code if not. For PUT and DELETE requests, the backend relies on the fact that an update function is available on the CouchDB database at the endpoint:


This function is part of the nEDM-Interface and looks like:

function(doc, req) {
    if (!doc) {
        return [null, JSON.stringify({msg : 'No document', error : true})];
    if (!req.body) {
        return [null, JSON.stringify({msg : 'No request', error : true})];
    var _ref = JSON.parse(req.body);
    var k;
    if (req.query.remove) {
      if (!doc.external_docs) {
        return [null, JSON.stringify({msg : 'No attachments', error : true})];
      for (k in _ref) {
        if (doc.external_docs[k]) {
          delete doc.external_docs[k];
    } else {
      if (!doc.external_docs) {
        doc.external_docs = {};
      for (k in _ref) {
        doc.external_docs[k] = _ref[k];
    return [doc, JSON.stringify({attachments : doc.external_docs, id : doc._id, ok : true})];

Note that on a change (e.g. PUT or DELETE) a field is added or removed from the field external_docs on the document. The resulting document will be run through the appropriate validate functions, which will check to see if the change is allowed.

Adding and Deleting

When a request comes in to add or delete a file, the process looks like the following:


  Add entry to doc.external_docs
  Proceed with upload
  Populate entry in doc.external_docs

where ‘populate entry’ adds the fields:

  "name_of_file":  {
            "ondiskname" : "name_of_file",
            "time" : {
              "atime" : /*access time*/, 
              "ctime" : /*create time*/,
              "crtime": /*create time*/, 
              "mtime" : /*modify time*/
            "size" : //size in bytes 

to doc.external_docs.

A delete is similar, except the fields are removed. If it fails at any point, the appropriate HTTP code is returned.


If normal files are requested (e.g. without downsample requests), then these are served directly by nginx using the X-Accel-Redirect header (see e.g. here). This is generally the most efficient way to serve files statically from disk. Requests with downsample are processed by the python backend and served from it (not directly from nginx).
