nEDM Interface

nEDM Experiment

nEDM Interface






Common administration tasks

Pushing updates to production server

Updates should be pushed to the master branch of the repository. Pushing these updates can be done in principle from any machine with access to http://raid.nedm1, but it is best done from the Osthalle local network to avoid issues with network latency. In addition, one should use a fresh folder (where no user changes are present) to avoid the accidental pushing of non-production-ready code. Such a fresh folder is available on mini.nedm1. Basic steps to update:

> ssh nedmdaq@mini.nedm1
$ cd Interface/nEDM-Interface
$ git checkout master
$ git pull # pulls most recent changes from github
$ python raid.nedm1
No .nedmrc file found in current directory
Pushing to:  subsystems/active_coil_compensation
    Checking sec/data

You must enter the Username (e.g. "admin") and the correspond Password once.

Add users

See here.

Build documentation

The easiest way to build/update the documentation is to clone this repository in another folder and checkout the gh-pages branch.

For example:

$ pwd
$ cd ..
$ git clone nEDM-Interface-Docs
$ cd nEDM-Interface-Docs
$ git checkout gh-pages

Then, update the documentation, tutorials, etc. and update the documentation:

$ pwd
$ ./ ../nEDM-Interface-Docs
$ cd ../nEDM-Interface-Docs
$ git add .
$ git commit -m 'Update documentation'
$ git push # publish to the website