nEDM Interface

nEDM Experiment

nEDM Interface






Default nEDM validate function


The default validate function provides the basic security and data validation for all databases.


If the document has a timestamp, this function ensures that it corresponds to RFC1123 so that it can be correctly interpreted. This format is what is inserted when using the default update function.

Data documents

Data documents, e.g. documents with

  "type" : "data",
  "value" : {
    "data_pt1" : 123,
    "data_pt2" : 123.34,
    // ..
  // ..

are validated to ensure that all points values with the field value map are convertible to numbers.


The are three main roles that are considered for security. These roles are defined in the corresponding user documents in the _user database. (Note, the _admin role must be defined in the server configuration files e.g. local.ini. However, an admin for a database is defined in the _security document see here. Only admin users can update design documents.)

These roles then have the following rights: